I've enjoyed the first set of posts that you've
put up as part of our virtual "workshop" on Policy Analysis and the
European Union. I've placed some comments/questions on each of your
posts, so be sure to check back to respond to those. In addition, you
should make sure to post some comments and questions of your own on the
posts of others as you read through the posts and consider the material
that we have covered.
A couple of overarching themes came out of
the first set of posts. As many of you pointed out, the European Union
was born out of the combination of a set of ideas concerning European
unity and identity on the one hand, and the concrete material realities
resulting from WWII on the other. The European Coal and Steel Community
was, quite literally, a step to bind Germany and France together by
sharing resources and territory that were/are essential to the state's
war-making capacity. That is a tremendous step in surrendering national
sovereignty! That being said, though, the evolution of the EU suggests
that sovereignty might not be a "finite" thing or a 0-sum calculation.
Is it possible that a state's decision to bind itself to the rules and
institutions of the EU might enhance or expand its sovereignty? Can anybody think of any examples?
overarching theme had to do with the fact that the EU has, in fact,
experienced crises and periods of uncertainty in the past. Let's think
for a moment what the process of crisis and crisis resolution in the
past has meant for the EU and the integration project. What do we think
this complex history suggests for the EU as it negotiates the current
economic crisis? Where, specifically, do we see areas of authority and
legitimacy shifting in the current crisis?
Feel free to post
comments/responses of your own to this post if you'd like. I look
forward to reading all of your comments/questions and to your upcoming
posts on discussion topic #2 as we delve into the theories of European
integration in more detail.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Comic Interlude: Lola the Performing Donkey in Brussels
This is just a brief comic interlude to keep things light even as we
discuss the history and theory of European integration. NBC4 here in DC
just ran a report on Lola the Performing Donkey. Lola apparently lives on the balcony of a Brussels cultural center. She has created quite the stir in the neighborhood given the noise she makes and the fact that, well, balconies aren't the typical habitat for donkeys. Keep an eye out for Lola as you explore Brussels!
EU Integration: A Narrative.
The European Union has undergone multiple distinct periods
while undergoing a process of integration. Similar to States, the EU has been
through periods of both strong and alternatively weak support. The birth and
growth of the EU is a compelling story, one in which recent economic recession
events will undoubtedly mark a chapter.
To examine the motivations behind the existence of the EU of
today, it is important to keep in mind the initial purpose behind the creation
of the EU. After a second World War, in which hundreds of millions of Europeans perished and destruction occurred on a level
never before seen, the individual nations of Europe understood the urgency of
ensuring that this level of loss and conflict never happen again. After the
failure of the loosely united League of Nations formed in response to World War
I, the nations of Europe understood the
need to create something more binding than a traditional international
alliance or collection of treaties. To achieve this end, the six most powerful
nations of Western Europe pooled their heavy national resources into the
collective European Coal and Steel Community in 1952. Thus coal and steel, two
primary supplies needed by a nation engaged in warfare, were under the
collective control of the community. This successful cooperation led to the
Treaty of Rome in 1957, which solidified the arrangement into the European
Economic Community. The optimism of this period was high for academic analysts at the time. Neo-functionalism emerged and sought to explain the actions of
Western nations as stemming from their goals within the EC, highlighting that
transnational benefits would become increasingly apparent to States and on both
the national and international level States would seek to increase their
participation and cede more decision making powers to the EC. This period of
integration optimism, in which it was expected that "political
spill-over" would result in enhanced integration (Pollack, 18) came to a
screeching halt with the first major crisis the EC faced.
"Empty Chair Crisis" stemmed from Charles De Gualle taking issue with
proposals from the Commission that were in line with the EC's ever-expanding
role and influence over national actors. As a result, France boycotted all
European institutions, which at the time required unanimous participation to
accomplish anything. Charles De Gaulle's distrust of supranationalism dealt a
hard blow to European integration and the optimistic perception of an
ever-increasing EC. Though this incident
was finally resolved in 1966 by the Luxembourg compromise, it marked the
beginning of the "Doldrums Era" in European integration.
The Doldrums Era lasted until the mid 1980's, and were marked by the perception that
States were still acting in their own best interests, as advocated by the new
school of Intergovernmentalism at the time (which emphasized that European
States interacted with one another internationally, but not as a part of a
larger transnational framework or political structure envisioned by
neo-functionalists) (Pollack, 19). Thus, the fate of the eventual EU looked
bleak, and many scholars left the field of study altogether. Still, this era
allowed perhaps for a more realistic understanding that nations still strongly
valued their sovereignty, and acted rationally with their own interests in
mind, as held by the emerging concept of Liberal Intergovernmentalism. Then,
along with the fall of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the old
divisions of states into communist and anti-communist groups, the EU
experienced a brand new wave of unprecedented growth.
after the end of the Cold War, Eastern European nations began to join the EU.
This was a drastic change to the previously Western-dominated power structure
of the EU, and with the new, smaller Eastern countries came several new
pro-integration ideas and demands for a voice of their own in the international
forum of the EU. Thus, Eastern States saw the opportunity for their voice to be
heard and to shape policy within Europe, and were particularly receptive to
institutional change by the vacuum created from the fall of Soviet prop governments. They sought to strengthen and foster greater integration within
the EU, even as member states such as France and England raised occasional objections.
overview of the EU concludes with a look at the present financial (and
governmental) crisis shaking Europe. Starting with the financial crisis of 2007-8
and then the recession in the US , the interconnected EU market soon suffered
the effects as well. These problems became urgent with the collapse of the
Greek economic situation in a sea of debt, and later the governments of Spain,
Italy and Ireland (which, though not as bad as Greece showed dramatic increases
in unemployment and were considered to be high risk for defaulting). Some are
debating whether Germany will continue to be willing to "bail-out"
these other member states, and whether or not the EU will financially collapse
under the strain of the present recession.
These fears are unfounded. As discussed above, the EU has already survived numerous 'hiccups' on its road toward ever-increasing integration. Similar financial difficulties were faced and survived in the 1970's. Later this week Italy is coming off the "at-risk" list for default as it re-organizes its debt and institutes necessary measures to achieve financial responsibility. Other nations will follow suit, although it may take some time. Departure from the EU now would only increase the economic uncertainty plaguing many member states, and would make no sense for any rational political actor. Still, the recession and current crisis is already having an impact on the way debt and now "euro-bonds" are organized, and will likely leave the EU changed once it emerges from the present situation.
These fears are unfounded. As discussed above, the EU has already survived numerous 'hiccups' on its road toward ever-increasing integration. Similar financial difficulties were faced and survived in the 1970's. Later this week Italy is coming off the "at-risk" list for default as it re-organizes its debt and institutes necessary measures to achieve financial responsibility. Other nations will follow suit, although it may take some time. Departure from the EU now would only increase the economic uncertainty plaguing many member states, and would make no sense for any rational political actor. Still, the recession and current crisis is already having an impact on the way debt and now "euro-bonds" are organized, and will likely leave the EU changed once it emerges from the present situation.
EU: Background and Foundations
The “narrative” of the European integration is relatively
simple. After two World Wars tore through Europe, leaving the continent a mass
of rubble, there was only one thought dominating the minds of Europeans: this
cannot be allowed to happen again. Thus, beginning with the integration of the French
and German coal and steel communities (two industries essential to war making) the now 27, soon to be 28, nations in the European
Union have become so economically dependent on one another that war is
virtually impossible.
the motivation for European integration is not the only aspect critical to the
EU’s narrative. Politically, European integration has always been viewed
through two different lenses. While the EU was originally envisioned by Schuman
as a “European federation,” many have fought to maintain the power and
independence of the nation state within the European framework (Schuman
Declaration, 2). This debate regarding the exact function of the European Union
remains to this day. Both camps agree that their system would serve the
original purpose of ensuring peace, so then why the conflict? As the Union has
grown, the needs of the nation states have changed. European countries are no
longer only looking for a sustainable peace; they now seek “prosperity, with
business and trade… protection of the environment… and influence in external
relations” (Pinder & Usherwood, 9). This has meant that the governing
institutions in the European Union have a larger role to play than simply
managing the coal and steel industries. Thus, the balance of power between European
institutions and national governments has been in constant flux. In particular,
the Council of Ministers generally represents an intergovernmental position
whereas the European Parliament promotes a more federalist approach (Pinder
& Usherwood, 10).
the current economic and political crises facing the European Union it is clear
that 60+ years of a common European history is just the beginning. Daily, EU
institutions are dealing with new problems and acting in a way that is setting
precedent for the future of the Union. And in accordance with the debate of
national vs. institutional power, member states continue to push back against
anything that could be considered too much oversight. Particularly in the case
of economic recession in individual member states, given how interconnected
European national economies are, it will be very interesting to witness how the
EU will proceed to protect the European economy in the face of individual
European Integration: History and Implications for the Future
World War II, there was a profound political motive for peace and security
within Europe and, as a result, European integration began (Pinder, Chapter 1,
para. 7). Belgium, France, Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany, the
Netherlands, and Luxembourg were the six countries that really began this
process with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community. As
Pinder notes, the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community was really
the first step “in a process of political as well as economic unification”
within Europe (Chapter 1, para. 11). After the creation of the European Coal
and Steel Community, European integration continued with the Treaties of Rome,
setting up the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy
Community, with a focus placed on creating a
common market and open borders for trade between the six countries (Pinder, Chapter 2, para. 8). The success
of this would lead to other countries within Europe applying to join; thus, the
Community expanded in 1951 from six countries “to fifteen by 1995, and to 27 in
2007” (Wallace et al., 5). Many steps were taken along the way, including the
signing of various treaties seeking to enhance political and economical integration
within Europe. This would ultimately lead to the Maastricht Treaty which would
establish the European Union (Pinder, Chapter 2, para. 12).
history of how the European Union was created was not as simple as the first
paragraph depicts. Throughout the entire process, the balance between member
states and an actual European Community was difficult. As Wallace et al. notes,
the European Union is “built out of three original separate Communities, each
with different powers, characteristics, and policy domain, complemented by
other ‘pillars’ of organized cooperation” (5). As a result, consensus was not
always guaranteed. The European Union has now emerged as a partnership model
with a key feature of its policy process placed upon cross-agency coordination
(Wallace, 10). This emergence; however, has led to the fragmentation of member
state’s national governments (Goet et al., 9). What has become evident, is that
the peculiar institutional structure of the European Union has become a
challenge for governments (Goet et. al., 9).
history of struggle between the European Union (particularly the Commission)
and the European member states suggests that the current economic (and
governance) crisis will only heighten this struggle. While European member states
will want to have more control in how to deal with the issues plaguing their
economy, the European Union has become a dominating influence, something that
some member states don’t appreciate. Thus, the current economic crisis will
challenge the relationship between the European Union and its member states.
However, European integration has gone too far for a reversal. In order to get
pass the current crisis, member states and the European Union will have to work
together and continue to build towards a more integrated Europe once dreamed
about 60+ years ago.
***Note: I downloaded the book from Pinder on my Kindle so I
had to use paragraphs instead of page numbers. Hopefully that is okay.
EU narrative
There are many ways to potentially describe the
“story” of European integration.
In attempting to create my own narrative about the rise of the EU, I
think it is important to make a broad and perhaps overly simplistic distinction
between the initial phases of integration and the actual functioning of the
EU. While these two phases are
clearly inextricably linked and others might disagree with me, I think that the
distinction is important as I would argue that the roots of the formation of
the EU can primarily be traced back to the effects of the second world war but
that understanding how and why it operates can be understood through a more
theoretically oriented framework.
don’t think any story about the increasing levels of European integration can
be complete without examining World War II. To a great extent, I would argue that WWII led to a
heightened fear of the dangers of extremist nationalism while also
highlighting, in painfully tangible detail, the horrors of war to Europe’s
citizens. Creating a system to
avoid such a conflict in the future was of the utmost importance as “for France
and Germany…finding a way to live together in a durable peace was a fundamental
political priority.” (Pinder, 1)
The formation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)/European
Economic Community (ECC) represented great strides in this direction.
Although there were economic incentives to form these
communities, the ultimate aim was to eliminate war with the hope being that
“solidarity in production” would make “any war between France and Germany…not
merely unthinkable, but materially impossible.” (Schuman declaration, 1.) After experiencing the destructive
capabilities of warfare, European states sought a way out. While some may argue that “WWII is receding
into a more distant past” I think it is also true that “the motive of peace and
security…remains a powerful influence on governments and politicians.” (Pinder,
3.) I would thus argue that the
foundations of EU can be traced to the necessity of peace and the opportunity
to enact real change.
second part of my narrative of EU integration follows the creation of the ECSC
and the ECC in the 1950s and involves the official formation and functioning of
the EU after the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. I think some important question to ask here include:
1) why does the EU work?
2) how does it work?, and
3) how has it changed it
over time?
All of these questions could
well be answered with dissertations and there are many potential avenues of
explanation. For example, Pinder
and Schuman argue the “two main ways of explaining” (Pinder, 6) the rise of the
EU are, respectively, tied to the degree of emphasis placed on the role of
states versus institutions. Other
authors take more micro-level approaches in analyzing changes within the EU
over time by focusing on the role of political parties or understandings of
what governance means to member states. (Goetz et al., 9-10.)
I would explain the functioning of the EU through the neo-liberalism IR theory. That is, states have joined the EU out
of self-interest and but have become tied together through institutional links,
specifically the benefits of economic and security cooperation. In terms of what history suggests for
the current economic and governance crisis in the EU, I would remain cautiously
optimistic as I don’t think states will lose sight of its (real or perceived)
My Interpretation of the Story of the EU
European integration over the past 60 years has in many ways
completely transformed while simultaneously maintaining its core purpose for
existence. The EU, or formally known as the European Coal and Steel Community,
began as an initiative to ensure that France and Germany could no longer choose
war as an option to resolve differences; moreover, the original six signatories
of the agreement pursued a united Europe to promote and safeguard peace and
security within the region. As the EU began to expand, policies and structures
had to transform to accommodate the needs and interests of those states
entering the union while standards were formed to qualify entry into the
institution. Since enduring the Cold War
era, the EU has not only changed in social structures but has since shifted its
political goals for hopeful initiates from democratic victory to the quality of
democratic governance (Goetz, 4). The political notions of democracy were
admirable plights but without the integration of the economies between the
member states (i.e. becoming economically bound to one another), the EU would
not have sustained for this length of time (Pinder, ch 1: “Economic Strength
and Prosperity”).
With the addition of many eastern European states in the
early 2000s, the member states would have to decide how to expand or change
treaties and whether or not to give the EU more economic sovereignty. As stated
in the EU Observer, German finance
minister Wolfgang Schaeuble pressed the idea of having a “eurozone-only budget
helping to level out macro-economic imbalances” (“Germany softens stance on EU
treaty change”, 2013) so as to assist small businesses in competing on an even
playing field throughout the eurozone. It seems to me that economic changes are
occurring quicker than the EU is able to make those policy reforms as influx of
states enters the union. Additionally, there is hesitation by member states to
put more sovereignty into Brussels to develop new economic policy adjustments
for fear of decreasing individual state sovereignty if that process were to
occur. Regardless of whether the EU is given more power or not to handle the
economic crisis, it is crucial that the progress be made towards overcoming
this issue and that the union be adaptable to any shocks that may occur in the
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
EU Usurping National Parlimentary Powers?
This article on the concerns about the EU usurping the powers and role of national parliaments as an unintended (or perhaps not) consequence of the EU response to the economic crisis seems particularly relevant given our recent discussions on the blog here. For those of you interning at the EP in particular, has this been a concern that has come up in your work?
Photo from vendstrek, via EU Observer: http://euobserver.com/economic/120275
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Single Seat Campaign
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to a hearing on the Single Seat Campaign. This was an interesting experience because the hearing was addressing some issues that I have seen throughout some of the readings. The hearing was on the issue of the European Parliament's "seat." A majority of the Members of the European Parliament are arguing that they should be able to decide where their "seat" is. Under the current treaties, the European Parliament operates in three different locations: Brussels, Strasbourg, and Luxembourg. For now, the location of the Parliament "seat" is decided by the unanimity among member states. Most members argue that Brussels should be the location of the single "seat" and that the Parliament shouldn't have to go to Strasbourg. However, the historical and political importance of Strasbourg plays a major role in how this will be decided. Furthermore, it is being argued that France would never allow the European Parliament to leave Strasbourg.
I think this debate demonstrates how the European Union is continuing to grow and change. The Parliament, in particular, is continuing to gain more power and a larger role within the EU. At the hearing, the consensus was that for there to be a change on whether the Parliament could decide where its "seat" is located, there would have to be a change in the Treaty. It will be interesting to see what comes about this push for amending the Treaty and the political/diplomatic implications of this between the European Parliament and the member states.
I think this debate demonstrates how the European Union is continuing to grow and change. The Parliament, in particular, is continuing to gain more power and a larger role within the EU. At the hearing, the consensus was that for there to be a change on whether the Parliament could decide where its "seat" is located, there would have to be a change in the Treaty. It will be interesting to see what comes about this push for amending the Treaty and the political/diplomatic implications of this between the European Parliament and the member states.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Stimulus vs. Austerity: the IMF Weighs In...
Here is another contribution to the "austerity vs. stimulus" debate that has characterized not just the US-EU relationship, but also debates within the EU and between the EU Member States and International Financial Institutions like the IMF. Although IFIs like the IMF initially promoted a course of austerity for countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and Spain, they have since moderated if not fully reversed course on the "harsh" cuts that were imposed on these countries early in the financial crisis.
Has there been any discussion of the ways in which the economic crisis or Europe's economic woes have impacted the work of your respective internship organizations?
Christine Lagarde at the World Economic Forum (photo from the World
Economic Forum via EU Observer: http://euobserver.com/economic/120219)
Monday, May 20, 2013
Internships, Tours, and Travels
My interview experience this week in Brussels was a positive one. The metro was luckily not too terribly difficult or different from that of DC, so I was able to make it to all of my interviews on time. The interviews themselves were not that different from similar interviews I've had in the United States. The people I met with were all very friendly, which I think may have come from this internship program's AU affiliation. I did notice that as huge as some of my organizations sounded, they were always an office of only about 2-10 people. I think this will be a good thing, since I'll almost certainly have no shortage of work. The internship I was ultimately matched with, Social Platform, is an NGO that coordinates the similar interests of hundreds of organizations and 70+ other NGOs with respect to their common interest of basic human rights protections. They were my first choice, and I am excited to be analyzing and coordinating along with them. I am particularly excited because I will likely be attending meetings on their behalf within the EU. Overall the internship experience was a positive one, and I think we all really did hit the ground running here. The only aspect I was not particularly fond of was that we were not allowed to rank our internship preferences to our coordinator. I still managed to convey my number one choice I think through the length and enthusiasm of the internship evaluations I gave, but I wish I could have been more direct. Besides this, I am happy with where I was placed and am excited to begin.
My impressions of Brussels so far are difficult to describe. I am thrilled to be within Europe again, and particularly to be so close to the EU parliament. However, I have had a bit of a struggle getting over my initial jetlag, and every single day has been very cold and very rainy. I would say I expected this for maybe the first few days, but now a full week later I have only seen the sun once and I'm really hoping the weather will clear up soon. Also, I've been surprised at the advanced age of the majority of people I've seen here, who have a tendency to keep quiet and keep to themselves. I think this may be because, as Jerry told our class, nearly all of the students are at home panicking and studying for their finals, which determine whether or not they may even stay enrolled. Other than these initial impressions, I really like how international the city is. Speaking English only (my spanish doesn't really apply here) I have had no difficulty communicating with anyone.
This past weekend was my favorite experience so far. I loved the cities we visited, the tours and the architecture. Gent in particular was my favorite, I really liked both the people and the huge, aged buildings and structures.
I think that the aspects of my academic program that will be most beneficial to me will be, of course Jerry's lectures and tours. The EU lecture filled in the gaps in my basic EU knowledge, and I really think that because I will be lobbying the EU, the more information I can gather on it's origins and function, the better. The tours have done an excellent job of connecting the modern attitude of Belgians today to their history. Again, this past weekend's trips in particular were great. I am looking forward to starting my internship, hopefully better weather, and more time to navigate and explore Brussels in the weeks to come.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Internship: Interviewing, Business Culture, and Academic Experience
My interview experience in Brussels was much different than my interview
experiences in the United States for several reasons. In the United States, I
have gone into an interview knowing the person who would be interviewing me,
either through a classmate, friend, or previous supervisor. As a result, I
somewhat knew the person who was interviewing me as well as knew what to expect
within the interview. In Brussels, my interview experience was completely
different. I had no knowledge of the place I would be interviewing at until a
day or two before I was supposed to be there. I had no knowledge of the person who
would be interviewing me. Each interview was different as well. At one
interview in Brussels, I was asked to demonstrate my skills, which is not
unlike one interview experience I had in the United States. At another
interview in Brussels, I interviewed with a group, which was a completely new
experience for me. Overall, the interview experience in Brussels was much more
challenging for me.
My impressions of the Brussels/European business culture thus far is that
the offices are much smaller, usually comprised of only two or three people.
However, this doesn’t mean that there is less work to be done. Organizations
appear to be extremely focused on one area instead of being comprised of
multiple different offices working on different things within a broader
As I begin my internship, the classes that I have taken that focus on the
policy process and policy analysis, I think, will be the most value to me
because these courses have taught me about agenda setting, policy formation,
policy adoption, policy implementation, and evaluation, all of which I think is
applicable to the EU Parliament. Through these courses, I have also gained the
experiences of writing memos, which I believe will be something I will have to
do at my internship.
The Brussels vs. US Interview Process
So far my interview experiences have been relatively easy. Compared to the US I felt like these interviews were more informal and less stressful besides the confusing street signs (well the lack of visible street signs) and the cold rainy weather. At every interview I was offered some type of beverage which was great, especially since I can't recall ever being offered any refreshments in the US. This added to the relaxed conversational atmosphere that I felt at every interview. I think the best part about the interview a few of us had for MEP Rhoithova and Social Platform was that some of the questions where character and personality based which I think is important to note and often overlooked. A person may be able to perform the tasks and duties of a job proficiently but if their personality does not mesh well with others it can hinder the progress of an organization, especially these small offices.
The only real distinction I see between the Brussels and US business is culture is that showing up early to interviews does not necessarily mean that a person is responsible and prompt. Since the organizations or offices are so small there is not always an area to seat a guest and thus showing up early may put pressure on the host to either start the interview earlier than expected or go out of their way to find accomodations for you. Moreover, since the organizations are so small it seems very quiet at times which is not something I am accustomed to. NOrmally, there is a lot of chatter and livly interaction in the offices that I have worked for in the US but this assumption could be wrong once I actually start my internship next week.
My academic program is peace and conflict resolution which I think will work well with my internship with MEP Stastny who is focusing of trade negotiations with Canada at the moment. My Comparative Peace Processes class taught me much about the negotiation process and the intricacies of trying to come to an agreement about any issue. I believe this negotiation has been going on for 2 or 3 years now and the hopes of concluding this year are not high. This class also taught me that it is difficult to take an entity as large as the EU to come to an agreement in general due to the all of the actors who now have a stake in certain policies. Compromises will have to be made and many states either do not want to compromise or do not have the capacity to enforce a certain policy at the time so changes must constantly be made. It's difficult to get a group of friends to agree on a place to go for dinner; imagine that on an international level.
The only real distinction I see between the Brussels and US business is culture is that showing up early to interviews does not necessarily mean that a person is responsible and prompt. Since the organizations or offices are so small there is not always an area to seat a guest and thus showing up early may put pressure on the host to either start the interview earlier than expected or go out of their way to find accomodations for you. Moreover, since the organizations are so small it seems very quiet at times which is not something I am accustomed to. NOrmally, there is a lot of chatter and livly interaction in the offices that I have worked for in the US but this assumption could be wrong once I actually start my internship next week.
My academic program is peace and conflict resolution which I think will work well with my internship with MEP Stastny who is focusing of trade negotiations with Canada at the moment. My Comparative Peace Processes class taught me much about the negotiation process and the intricacies of trying to come to an agreement about any issue. I believe this negotiation has been going on for 2 or 3 years now and the hopes of concluding this year are not high. This class also taught me that it is difficult to take an entity as large as the EU to come to an agreement in general due to the all of the actors who now have a stake in certain policies. Compromises will have to be made and many states either do not want to compromise or do not have the capacity to enforce a certain policy at the time so changes must constantly be made. It's difficult to get a group of friends to agree on a place to go for dinner; imagine that on an international level.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Interview Impressions
Interview impressions
*Apologies for what might end up being a wall of text:
Well, after an interesting but at times hectic past few
days, the search for an internship is over! It looks like I will be interning with SecEUR, an
organization that does research and publishes newsletters to subscribers about
civil security within the EU. As
this was one of my top choices and I am really into security issues, this
should be great! It is also
located relatively close to the European Parliament, so hopefully I can get
lunch a few times with whoever ends up interning there!
I had a total of five interviews in the span of three
days. On my first day, I had one interview
with Euro Tasc. This was a
conducted in a group setting that included myself and three other students. Unfortunately, the interviewer didn’t
really ask too many questions specific to each of us (he never even asked us to
review our resumes) and the interview kind of devolved into us asking him
questions without ever really getting the chance to show what we had to
The second interview with the Atlantic Treaty Association
went well, even though it was a bit hard to find as it was hidden under scaffolding
and there wasn’t a street sign.
Luckily I walked over there with Cassandra and we were able to ask a
construction worker where the building was and he pointed us in the right
direction. Oddly enough, the ATA
is located in a former hotel room, as in we took an elevator to a floor and
walked past a bunch of hotel rooms before finding it. The ATA interview was one-on-one and went really well
– they do interesting work there.
The next day I had my interview with SecEUR. This interview also went really
well. I enjoyed talking to my two
interviewers about topics ranging from military history to EU security
policy. I have a lot of experience
doing writing and research assignments, especially pertaining to security
issues, so I hope and think I will fit in well there!
I also had an interview the second day for an internship
with an MEP. This interview was
quite odd – we were taken in as a group and each given an assignment to write a
one-minute speech about a topic. I
got tax havens and evasion, something I didn't
know much about at all. I used a
lot of generalities and gave a rousing speech about how MEPs have the
capability and therefore the responsibility to aid their constituents by
stopping it. We were all also
called in for individual interviews.
My final interview on the last day
was with another MEP and was again conducted in a group setting, but this time
over tea. Again, as with the first
interview, I didn’t think the interviewers got anything substantive out of
us. They basically only asked us
why we were there and where we were from in the U.S. Beyond that, there wasn’t talk about individual
qualifications or anything.
Overall, my
interview experience is pretty limited as I’ve only had two or three in-person
interviews in the U.S. However,
judging from the five interviews I had, the whole process did not seem too
different from the U.S. in that there can be considerable variability in terms
of what to expect when interviewing at each organization. I will say that the group interviews
did not seem to work very well, but that may have been due to the interviewers
and I’m not sure if that’s typical of Europe or not. Generally speaking, their business culture appears to be a
bit more relaxed and laid-back, although I am sure I will learn more about this
in the coming weeks.
As a whole, I
was very prepared for the ATA and SecEUR internship interviews largely due to
the large amounts of writing and wide range of classes related to security and
history I took as an undergrad. In
particular, I took a COIN and counter-terror seminar my senior year that was
invaluable. Grad school work has
also been useful. International
trade issues are a big theme with the EU now and having just taken an
international econ. class I was able to follow the discussions much better than
I would have otherwise. Well, that
was my whirlwind interview experience.
Looking forward to travelling around Belgium this weekend and starting
the internship on Tuesday!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Interview Experience and First Impressions
Over the last three days I have been to five interviews:
Euro TASC, ATA, SecEUR, AEFJN, MEP Peter Stastny. Of the five companies, I am
only particularly excited about two (ATA/SecEUR). I had two group interviews
with other AU students (Euro TASC and MEP Peter Stastny) and in both the
interviewers did not seem too interested in learning much about us. In the case
of Euro TASC I felt that I got a good idea of what would be expected of the intern;
however it was not particularly clear from our meeting with Peter Stastny’s
interviews with ATA, SecEUR and AEFJN all offered me the opportunity to both
sell myself and ask questions about the internship and the organization. These
three offices showed genuine interest in my academic/professional background
and my expectations of an internship with their company. The interviewers all clearly explained how I
might shape my work with them into something relevant to my interests and
skills, and how their office would help me to grow both academically and
I've found Brussels to be lovely. I love that I can go around on my own without
feeling anxious about a language barrier. The cobblestones are doing a number
on my heels but they really add to the charm of the city. And although the
weather is expectedly horrible, the rain does fall straight down rather than sideways
as in DC, so that’s something. I’m looking forward to exploring the city more
soon with my lovely fellow AU students.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
First Impressions
At first sight of the city of Brussels my initial thoughts, as we rode in the taxi to our hotel, was that the city looked very similar to DC (which I believe were similar thoughts that others had as well). However, as my eyes and mind begin to shake off the jet lag and exhaustion I am now seeing Brussels in a whole new light. Our tour of the Grande Place with Jerry Sheridan revealed the rich history that can be found right in the architecture of the city. Navigating the streets as I search for the location of my interviews has lead me to find the Royal Palace, lush parks, and many restaurants that are now on my "to eat here" list. I'm looking forward to learining more as we travel and study about this complex little country named Belgium.
Impressions of Brussels
So far, I'm really enjoying Brussels (besides the cold and rain). I've been pleasantly surprised that I haven't had any issues with communicating with most people despite not being able to speak any French. It is possible that if I was anywhere else in Europe, I might not have such an easier time with that. Also, though at first the public transportation system seemed impossible to understand, I think that I am slowing learning how to get around (with the help of maps). It also helps that Brussels is quite small so it doesn't take long to get from one side to the other like Washington, DC.
My host family is awesome! I have learned so much about Brussels, France, and Europe through them in the past few days. In particular, I've learned a lot about the European perception (or to be more specific, French perception) of American politics and culture. I'm looking forward to continue these discussions with my host family over dinner!
I was told before I got here, that Brussels is an international city and in the short time that I have been here, I am finding that it truly is!
My host family is awesome! I have learned so much about Brussels, France, and Europe through them in the past few days. In particular, I've learned a lot about the European perception (or to be more specific, French perception) of American politics and culture. I'm looking forward to continue these discussions with my host family over dinner!
I was told before I got here, that Brussels is an international city and in the short time that I have been here, I am finding that it truly is!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Transatlantic Divide Over the Economic Crisis
Here is another good piece from EU Observer highlighting the persistent "austerity vs. stimulus" debate that has characterized transatlantic relations since the onset of the fiscal crisis. Many expected a renewal of the close working relationship between the US and the EU when President Obama took office in 2008 after the tension and distance that had set in under President Bush's terms in office. However, a fundamental philosophical difference at the level of ideas concerning economic governance and the proper response to economic crises has complicated US-EU relations over the past 4 years. Keep an ear to the ground for discussions of these topics once you get to Brussels, and post your comments here!
(Photo: Joerg Rueger/German ministry of finance, via EU Observer)
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The EU Treaties and the fiscal crisis
If you've started reading Pinder (as you should be doing!) you'll notice how much of the history and the current politics of the EU revolve around different treaties and debates about how to expand or change treaties (or even forge new ones). The EU is, at its core, a rule-based institution grounded in a series of treaties that all of the member states have ratified. The current economic and fiscal crisis in Europe has once again brought the EU treaties into the spotlight, namely though the persistent question of whether adequate reforms for "economic governance" (a key term in EU parlance) in the Union can be made within the current treaty framework, or whether a new treaty is needed.
Here is a recent news article from EU Observer that will help bring you up to speed on this debate, which will certainly be something that folks in EU politics/policy circles will be discussing once you get to Brussels: http://euobserver.com/institutional/120053
What kind of institutional and political dynamics strike you as important as you read this article and read about the economic and fiscal crisis more generally? Where does authority lay on these types of questions in the EU?
Here is a recent news article from EU Observer that will help bring you up to speed on this debate, which will certainly be something that folks in EU politics/policy circles will be discussing once you get to Brussels: http://euobserver.com/institutional/120053
What kind of institutional and political dynamics strike you as important as you read this article and read about the economic and fiscal crisis more generally? Where does authority lay on these types of questions in the EU?
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